Great locally tied minnow pattern that comes in three of the more popular saltwater colour contrasts.
This fly is a fantastic choice for any fisho wanting to fish in and around structure, as well as fishing in an estuary prone to lots of floating weed. It is best fished on a floating line along the flats, rock bars, weed beds etc. under 2m of water. However it also fishes very well on sinking fly fly twitched along the bottom.
You will be hard pressed to find a fly design outside of a bend back that will catch less weed and not get caught up as bad in the trees and structure.
Great for Barra, Jack's and other that like to hide in structure
These minnows are all in a size #2 to #2/0 hook with a small amount of wait to help then swim up right.
There all around 3.5 inches in length and all have a hot spot Fluro orange head and eyes.